Или "Что мне нельзя делать на Галактике", или (для тех, кто в курсе) Список Скиппи для БСГ. Длинный и пополняющийся, но есть и забавные моменты.
3. Not allowed to spell Colonel Tigh's name "T-G-H" and claim "the Cylons took the I," as it is cruel and not remotely funny.
* Okay, so it's hilarious. It's still cruel.
6. Only allowed to add "in accordance with the prophesy" to the ends of my sentences if given specific permission to do so by President Roslin.
* President Roslin did not give me permission to do so.
23. I am not Model #13.
36. Not allowed, under any circumstances, to ask President Roslin who died and put her in charge.
42. Not allowed to hand slices of bread to Lt. Agathon and ask her to "do me a quick favor."
48. Not allowed to blame my mistakes on my imaginary girlfriend
*even if she is an angel
*even if she is a chip.
62. Our Vipers cannot be assembled into a giant battle robot.
76. Waking Captain Thrace up in the morning is not “disturbing an ancient evil that knows no pity or remorse.”
78. He is not "The Dread Pirate Tigh."
92. Duct tape is not a disciplinary tool.
* Nor is it the force that holds the universe together.
* No matter how much Chief Tyrol can do with it.

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