Точнее план всех интересных (мне) новинок за год. По материалам Амазона.
Doctor Who Classics Volume 3 (May 29)
House of Mystery Vol. 2: Love Stories For Dead People (Jun 9)
Final Crisis Companion (Jun 9)
Batman: The Black Casebook (Jun 9)
Final Crisis HC (Jun 16)
X-men Noir TPB (Jun 17)
Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? (Jul 7)
Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns (Jul 7)
Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge HC (Jul 21)
Final Crisis: Revelations HC (Aug 11)
Thunderbolts: Burning Down The House Premiere HC (Aug 12)
Wolverine: Old Man Logan Oversized (Aug 12)
Fables Vol. 12: The Dark Ages (Aug 18)
Punisher: War Zone TPB (Sep 9)
Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds (Sep 15)
Spider-Man Noir TPB (Oct 7)
Absolute Justice (Dec 1)